1x1 GIF

by Pawel Szymczykowski / @makenai

for DHTMLConf 2000

VegasJS {}


<TD WIDTH="325">
    <!-- sites -->
    <IMG VSPACE="18" SRC="../resources/dot_clear.gif"><BR>
    <!-- adjust the vertical -->
    <IMG VSPACE="2" HSPACE="40" SRC="../resources/dot_clear.gif">
    <A HREF="/web/20060403150232/http://www.igc.apc.org/womensnet/">WomensNet</A><BR>
    <IMG VSPACE="8" HSPACE="32" SRC="../resources/dot_clear.gif">
    <A HREF="/web/20060403150232/http://www.voiceofwomen.com/">Voice of Women</A><BR>

"If you want machines to read your web pages, use things like definition lists, unordered lists, headers, etc. If you want people to read them, don’t do it. They take away your typographic control. Specify your own font sizes when you want a size change. If you must use bullets, make your own bullets (I don’t see much point in bullets if your vertical grouping is good). And try not to number your list items. It is hardly ever necessary."

— Dave Siegel

Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their country.

<IMG SRC="images/dot_clear.gif" WIDTH="48" HEIGHT="2">Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their country.
I wish you wouldoh, nevermind.
I wish you would<IMG SRC="images/dot_black.gif" WIDTH="48" HEIGHT="2" VALIGN="ABSMIDDLE">oh, nevermind.
Who needs
css line
Who needs<IMG SRC="images/dot_clear.gif" VALIGN="ABSMIDDLE" HEIGHT="60" WIDTH="2"><BR>
css line<IMG SRC="images/dot_clear.gif" VALIGN="ABSMIDDLE" HEIGHT="60" WIDTH="2"><BR>
spacing?<IMG SRC="images/dot_clear.gif" VALIGN="ABSMIDDLE" HEIGHT="60" WIDTH="2"><BR>
<IMG HSPACE="13" SRC="../resources/dot_clear.gif">
<IMG WIDTH="8" HEIGHT="8" SRC="../resources/dot_purple.gif">
<IMG HSPACE="13" SRC="../resources/dot_clear.gif">
<IMG WIDTH="8" HEIGHT="8" SRC="../resources/dot_purple.gif">


  • Header: 6 bytes ("GIF89A")
  • Logical Screen Descriptor: 7 bytes
  • Global Color Table: 6 bytes
  • Graphic Control Extension: 8 bytes
  • Image Descriptor: 10 bytes
  • Image Data: 5 bytes
  • GIF Trailer: 1 byte (";")
  • = 35 bytes


Content Here
	<TD><IMG SRC="images/corner.gif"></td>
	<TD><IMG SRC="images/dot_clear.gif"></TD>
	<TD><img src="images/dot_clear.gif"></TD>
	<TD>Content Here</TD>



end of transmission.

DHTMLConf 2000 continues.